In Conclusion

The Sephira of Yisrael is Tiferet. Our natural power is to rule over the Tzevaot, the Heavenly Hosts - Yesod, Hod and Netzach. With Israel at this level, Kedusha (holiness) rules the world, even as evil exists.

What I have tried to show from several angles is that the appointed time for the restoration of Israel's power is in the current Machzor Gadol. It must naturally start with our recapturing Israel's rulership over the lowest of the Tzevaot, Yesod.

I will conclude the argument with a reasoning that I suggest shows exactly what should be done, and when.

The Halacha is that the earliest permissable solar date for the first day of Pesach is the day before the Spring equinox. See Talmud Bavli Rosh HaShana 21, and Rashi there. See also Sanhedrin 13. We must make a leap year if Pesach would otherwise be earlier than the day before the equinox.

The Sages here instruct the future Sanhedrin how the Jewish calendar should be. In the Galut calendar, the year of the earliest Pesach is year 16 of the cycle. Nowadays, the solar date of that Pesach is March 26 or 27, six or seven days after the Spring equinox. In the time of Hillel, Abaye and Rabba, Pesach in year 16 of the Galut calendar was indeed the day before the equinox. The average date of Pesach is drifting towards the Summer because the calendar's prescription that there be 235 months in 19 years does not exactly fit Nature's data.

The Galut calendar has leap years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19. Calculation based on Chazal's instruction shows that, in our time, the leap years should be years 1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 17. Such should be the Geula calendar. Its latest Pesach date is in year 6, called year ז, of Machzor HaKatan. The Tikkun of Yesod is in the year of the latest Pesach. Therefore, the Geula calendar has the Tikkun of Yesod in year ז.

Tikkun in year ז signals our leaving the realm of 500/60

ך" ס" ה"ם תצט"א

and our entering the realm of 66:

ס"ו ה"ם תצטא"ז ך"ו

The formula for 66 has the required ז, and at the same time introduces a novel Tikkun, ו, which at zero distance from ה fits the Tikkunim of Machzor HaGadol, being predicated on nothing, except Tzaddik himself. Conversely, Moshiach ben Yosef depends on Vav. The Tikkun at ו must be the cancellation of the Galut calendar. Year ו of the current Machzor Gadol, year 5774, is a leap year in both the Galut and Geula calendars (year 17). It is therefore the natural year for the transition. See also this pressing consideration. The new calendar will then first deviate from the Galut calendar in year 5776, the year of 66.

The calendar of the Geula will entice the Sitra Achra, but the Tikkun of ז is to frustrate evil plans as it brings down light and strength to Israel. May it be so.

The Tikkunim of the cycles are Tikkunim for Zeir Anpin, except for the one of Malchut. Originally, the four cycles had ten Tikkunim, from ten Sephirot, one for Malchut and nine for Zeir Anpin. With Vav and three times Samech, the total number is 14, one for Malchut and 13 for Zeir Anpin.

This completes what I had to write regarding the appointed time for the restoration of Sanhedrin. Should I have have written beyond the permitted, it was for the sake of Heaven. May the reader be blessed in the service of HaShem.

השיבה שופטינו כבראשונה
