Gevura, Chesed, Yesod: The Planets, the Mazalot, and the Moon

To understand this post, read first the previous post. Chaf Sofit, ך, represents the Hand of Din, which brings history to a close before we would not survive. Its Sephira is Gevura, the cycle of the planets. ך is the fourth letter of the seven letters of this cycle. In year ך of the cycle, we receive a measure of Din. That is, in the years that are multiples of 7, plus 4. The last year of Din was year 5765 (7*823 + 4). He who knows the date of the events of years ך and perceives them, should say Baruch Oseh Bereshit, as the Beraita says.

טצ"ץ represents the balance between Din and Chesed that tilts in our favor upon our Teshuva. Its Sephirot are Chesed and Yesod, the cycles of the Mazalot and of the Moon, respectively. ט is the fifth letter of the twelve letters of the cycle of the Mazalot. In the fifth year of this cycle, a measure of Chesed reaches us. That is, in the years that are multiples of 12, plus 5. The last such year was, again, 5765 (12*480 + 5). ט is the eighth letter of 19 letters of the cycle of the Moon. In the eighth year of this cycle, we merit a measure of Chesed. That is, in the years that are multiples of 19, plus 8. The last such year was, once more, 5765 (19*303 + 8). He who knows the dates of the events of years ט and perceives them should say Baruch Oseh Bereshit, as the Beraita says.

The above underlies much of what I have written before. The first 319 counts of Din did not count as Din because Israel did not sin yet, and the first 278 counts of Yesod did not count as Chesed, until the Tikkun of the Arizal. Therefore, Din and Chesed did not reach ך and תצט"א until very recently.

I have now explained two letters of ך" ה"ם תצט"א. The other letters are associated with the cycle of the Sun. The next post will discuss this, B'Ezrat HaShem.

מה רב טובך אשר צפנת ליראיך דא ט' דטובה גניז בגויה, אבל לזמנא

(רמח"ל, תקונים חדשים, תקון ראשון)

הרואה ט' בחלום [סימן טוב לו], וזה שייך לתבונתו של יוסף, ועליו נאמר טוב עין הוא יבורך, והוא טצ"ץ ביסוד

(קול התור פרק ב חלק א: נא)
