Piercing Questions

I learned from an Israeli official that the UN is asking Israel questions regarding our vision for the Kotel. As I sensed that the background may be that the UN school for Arab girls is sitting on holy ground, I told the official that the school is standing on Makom HaMizbeach. This UN school reached the news on 7 Shvat, when shortly after noon the earth opened its mouth in a classroom and a number of girls fell into a Bor. According to the Mishna, there is a deep Bor just next to Makom HaMizbeach. It leads all the way to the water of the Gichon. The official told me that he knew that some hold this Shitah regarding Makom HaMikdash, which, in his polite words, was not accepted by all.

Israel's politics is in a breath-taking standoff. Kadima beat Likud - HaShem strengthened Kadima's pride. Korach saw that prophets would come from him, and it strengtened his pride. Surely, HaShem wanted him to be the leader. Why else did HaShem grant him such a vision? He could not possibly loose all. How would prophets come from him? Korach forgot that his camp was divided. Pride prevents rational thought. Korach pursued his confrontation to the end, asking Moshe piercing questions. Moshe knew how to answer, and the earth opened its mouth to confirm that the truth is with Moshe.

May the next government know how to answer the piercing questions of Kadima and the UN. What shall we do with the "palestinians"? How shall we react to international pressure to divide the Land of Israel? What shall we do with the holiest place of Judaism?
