Evolution of Life

Chazal did not kmow about the evolution of life. This knowledge was bestowed upon mankind only recently, a fantastic present to man showing us the Hand of the Creator. Evolution of life happened. Some try to cast doubt by saying that we do not understand the mechanics of evolution. This is deceit. The body of every human started out as one cell. We know that with absolute certainty, even though there are many things we do not know about the subsequent evolution of this one cell into the marvel of a new baby. Likewise, there are many things we do not know about the evolution of life. Mysteries abound. But it happened. The knowledge rests on solid ground: geology, paleontology, genetics, physiology, and other fields of biology. Astronomy and cosmology paint the background.

Some point to foreign influences on the theory of evolution. Some suggest that the theory has an anti-Torah agenda. Among the ancient philosophers some have indeed conjectured theories that a posteori may seem to be in line with modern insights. Among scientists some indeed construe evolution as an argument for a g-dless world. Yet, also this is deceit. Many have theorized and conjectured in many directions. Some guessed wrong, others guessed somewhat right. But a guess without evidence does not equate to knowledge even if it is correct. The ancients did not have the tools to obtain valid knowledge about the evolution of life. Our current insights, however, are based upon solid evidence, and not upon pre-conceived philosophy, whether ancient or recent.

There is no shame in admitting that Chazal did not know everything. There is great shame, however, in denial of knowledge and in the spirit of deceit that underlies such denial.

Look around. Look at man, look at all these souls. After fourteen billion years, a seemingly wild and random process resulted in this wonderful creation, almost angels, a combination of Heaven and Earth. Ma Rabu Ma'asecha!

Chazal did also not know that the conception of a human being occurs through the combination of a cell of the mother carrying fifty percent of her genes and a cell of the father carrying fifty percent of his genes. Chazal did surely wish to know this, and they made various conjectures regarding the process of conception, but they did not come very close to the truth that we now know. There is no shame in admitting this. But there is shame in denying the truth that we merited knowing. The proper response to learning that this is how HaShem brings a new Neshama into the world is "Ma Rabu Ma'asecha". And this is what we should be teaching the world. And not, Chas v'Shalom, denial of truth. Denials in the name of Judaism cause honest people to conclude that modern insights conflict with Torah. Chas v'Shalom, one might be led to hedonism as a result. We must do the opposite: Teach the truth!
