Three Geulot and an Apology

I speculated earlier that the Kadosh Elyon's Ma'amar about Birkat HaChammah that recently made waves in Klal Yisrael was a hint at the awesome cycle of Machzor HaGadol that has just ended. In the light of the previous post it becomes clear how this period was so awesome. It brought four Tikkunim that directly prepare for the final Geula, in years ץ, צ, ה, and א Sofit.

In his Ma'amar regarding Birkat HaChammah on Erev Pesach, the Kadosh Elyon mysteriously referred to the Geulot of Mitzrayim and Purim. This might be a very hidden hint regarding the cycle of Machzor HaGadol that brings the final Geula. Geulat Mitzrayim was in year 2449, which was year מ of the Machzor. Year מ corresponds to the Sephira of Hod, on the left. The Ramchal comments in Tikkun 4 of Tikkunim Chadashim that Geulat Mitzrayim was from the left, the side of Gevura, and for that reason was complete as far as Mitzrayim is concerned.

The Geula of Purim was in year 3406, according to Masechet Megilla - it was the penultimate year of Achashverosh, while Bayit Sheni was in the second year of Darius. Year 3406 was year צ of the Machzor, and that year corresponds to the Sephira of Netzach, on the right. The Ramchal comments that Geulat Bavel was from the right, the side of Chesed, and that it was not complete for this reason. Many remained in Bavel.

The final Geula will be from the left as well as from the right. The Ramchal comments, in the same Tikkun 4, that Moshiach will merit the 50th gate of wisdom, which Moshe Rabbeinu did not merit. Then Moshe will come to attain the same level, to unify the left with the right, and to seal the Geula.

In view of this interpretation of the Kadosh Elyon's Ma'amar, I regret that initially I dismissed it out of hand.
