The Aleph Beth has 22 letters. The first 9, א through ט, have numerical values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. The next nine, י through צ, have numerical values 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90. The last four letters, ק through ת, have values 100,200,300,400. Five letters have a "Sofit" variant: ץ,ף,ן,ם,ך, which have values 500,600,700,800,900. That makes 27 letters, which reach up till 900. Letter number 28 is Aleph-Sofit and has value 1000. The 28 letters correspond to the length of Machzor HaGadol, the 28-year cycle, the cycle of the Sun.
Similarly, the letters of the Aleph Beth minus letters אמ"ש correspond to the 19 year cycle, Machzor HaKatan, the cycle of the Moon with respect to the Sun-Earth system: 19 solar years have 235 lunar months.
Similarly, the seven letters of the Aleph Beth that can be doubled, בגדכפרת, correspond to a seven-year cycle, related to the seven planets. This cycle coincides in our days with the Shmita cycle.
Similarly, the 12 letters הוזחטילנסעצק, the letters of Machzor HaKatan minus the letters of the seven-year cycle, correspond to a twelve-year cycle related to the twelve Mazalot.
Now we can parse the expression ך" ה"ם תצט"א. It reads: 500 are 499 plus 1. Namely, the sofit letter ך has value 500, תצ"ט has value 499, and א has value 1. The intention of the expression is that the time of the Geula is reached when the 500 of the left (ך) and the 500 of the right (תצט"א) are reached together. The 500 of right consists of 499 achieved through Tikunim, of the Sephira Malchut, from below, while the one is added from above. I have explained earlier in detail how the convergence of the 500 from the left and the 500 from the right occurred in "the sixties," some forty years ago. For who wonders why then Moshiach did not come yet, a simple answer lies in the prophetic phrase יש תקוה לאחריתך (Yirmyahu 31). For some things we may have to wait until תקו"ה, that is, until 511.
Hence, it is fitting for the Aleph Beth to end with Aleph, which means a thousand, and for its count to reach a thousand. Regarding the convergence of left and right, Aleph points at the secret of 999, a thousand minus one. The precise convergence is with left and right adding up to 999, with left and right both at 499.5. The secret regarding 999 is coined טצ"ץ, following the extended Aleph Beth, as used for Machzor HaGadol (900=ץ). As I have explained before, טצ"ץ has happened. It was the Yom Kippur war.
How ך" ה"ם תצט"א elucidates our Beraita, will be the subject of subsequent posts, B'Ezrat HaShem.