HaShem Tzevaot

There is an awesome background to the six-day war having occurred at 499 of Malchut, and the Yom-Kippur war at 499.5 of both Malchut and Zeir Anpin. The number תצ"ט, 499, hints at the name HaShem Tzevaot, as 499 is the gematria of the word Tzevaot, צבאות, which means hosts or armies.

In the realm of Sephirot, the Tzevaot are Hod and Netzach together. Samech of Machzor HaGadol represents this combination, its position being right in between Hod and Netzach.

Samech, the combination of the Tzevaot of left and right, refers to victory in war. And see: The first Tikkun at Samech was the six-day war.

Malchut's weakness is in the separation from Imma and from Zeir Anpin. At the first Tikkun of Samech, Yovel - Imma - strengthened Malchut. Though a regression ensued, the process of repair continues covertly until the achievement of the full Tikkun, in the near future. The wise will understand.

Zeir Anpin's weakness is in the separation from Malchut and, in a different way, from Abba. The Arizal revealed that the duration of Zeir Anpin in the state of separation is 506.5 "years." The second Tikkun at Samech will be when Zeir Anpin will reach 506.5. The wise will understand.
