Ein Mazal L'Yisrael

The Sages teach (Talmud Bavli, Shabbat 156) that, in principle, Israel is not subject to astrological fate: Ein Mazal L'Yisrael. Careful analysis of the Talmudic discussion reveals that the conclusion Ein Mazal L'Yisrael is a hard call. Why?

The cycles of the Sun, the Planets, the Mazalot, and the Moon are associated to the ten Sephirot. Not all Sephirot are at the same level. Some are higher, some are lower. When Israel is at a very high spiritual level, we can rule over all Mazalot: Ein Mazal L'Yisrael. This will be in the time of Moshiach. When the spiritual level of Israel is lower, we may rule over the Mazalot of some Sephirot and be subject to others. In this case, Ein Mazal L'Yisrael is only partly true. And this is not the worse case.

The lowest of the Sephirot of Zeir Anpin is Yesod. The Torah commands that Israel must rule over Yesod. Yesod corresponds to the cycle of the Moon, and that cycle is in Israel's power by an explicit decree. We must determine the days of the new Moon. We must determine which years have 13 months and which years have 12 months. It is in our hands to say in which years Pesach will be late and in which years Pesach will be early. The Torah gave us power to influence the flow of Chesed to the world.

Understand the tragedy in our inability to change the Galut calendar. At the national level, we lost our basic power. Without Sanhedrin, Israel does not rule over the Mazal of Yesod. Not even Yesod. Even so, at times appointed by Mazal, Jews appointed by Mazal are granted the power to bring change. Obama has a point. Time for change.
