Fractality is also in the nature of the counts associated to the Sephirot: Counts spawn child counts. As the Sephira counts represent processes of repair, child counts represent repair at levels elevated above the levels of repair represented by parent counts.
Child counts can be contained by the parent, or they can extend the parent. Contained child counts can be in the parent's dimension or they can be in a different dimension. A child count can extend the parent count when both are in the same dimension. If child and parent are in the same dimension, the child goes seven times faster than the parent.
Contained child counts start at 59 of the parent, at the first measure of the parent's completeness. Extending child counts start at 63. It follows that contained a child count in the dimension of its parent reaches 100 when the parent reaches 73. Such a child count reaches 70 when the parent reaches 69, and 73 when the parent reaches between 69 and 70. Extending child counts reach 73 when the parent reaches 73. The extension of the parent grows from the first measure of completeness of the child, at 59, and is in full force from 73 to 100 in the child's count.
These are the general principles. Here are important examples, from the right:
The count of Chochma is spawned by, and extends, Malchut. The Malchut count terminates at 511, 7 times 73. Chochma extends Malchut until 100 of Chochma is reached. This restores the range of Malchut to what was before the rise of the hatred of Yosef. The extension reflects that even though Abba is elevated above Zeir Anpin, the two are similar and mergeable.
The count of Keter Yehuda is spawned by Chochma as a contained count. Keter Yehuda represents a process of refinement within Abba, which provides the right-side Keter to Zeir Anpin.
Keter Yehuda spawns a count of Atik Yamin into a different dimension. Atik Yamim is, at this stage, beyond Zeir Anpin. Even so, the repair of Atik Yamim is predicated on a measure of completeness of the repair of Zeir Anpin.