Divine Equations

For the Partzufim Chochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin and Malchut, there are two types of Sephira counts. The counts of Zeir Anpin and Malchut lead to 500 and a little further. The counts of Bina and Chochma lead to 60, (63), 66, 72 and onwards to 100. The latter relate to the following famous section of Zohar Parshat VaYera 119a:

ופקידה ברזא דוא"ו שית רגעי ופלג עידן ובזמנא דשתין שנין לעבורא דדשא באלף שתיתאה יקים אלה שמיא פקידו לברתיה דיעקב ומההוא זמנא עד דיהא לה זכירה שית שנין ופלגא ומההוא זמנא שית שנין אחרנין ואינון שבעין (ותלת) ותרין ופלגא, בשיתין ושית יתגלי מלכא משיחא בארעא (שמות ז' ב ט' ב) דגליל וכד ככבא דבסטר מזרח יבלע שבע ככביא מסטר צפון ושלהובא דאשא אוכמא תהא תליא ברקיעא שיתין יומין וקרבין יתערון בעלמא לסטר צפון ותרין מלכין יפלון באינון קרבין

Many have tried to locate the period of 72 years described here by counting calendar years from the beginning of centuries, or from historical events. However, the time-model of the Zohar is not a trivial one. It is not entirely linear and not even always monotonous. That is, the "years" of the Zohar do not always proceed with the same speed, and later times may precede earlier times.

The 60 years mentioned in the beginning of the fragment relates to the formula for Samech of the middle that was mentioned before:

ס" ה"ם תצט"א

The Samech here is the center of Machzor HaGadol, in between Hod and Netzach, left and right. The formula expresses that the first Tikkun of Samech is when Yovel adds 1 to Malchut at 499. How does this Samech of the middle accommodate the word שנין in the phrase שתין שנין? Its formula can be viewed as the middle way in between the left and right year counts: 500 of Malchut is when Bina is 60.5 and Chochma 59.

The 66 and 66.5 mentioned by the above Zohar section relate to the count of right, of Chochma, and their formulas are:

ס"ו ה"ם תצטא"ז
ס"ו ופלגא ה"ם ך"ו ופלגא

Here תצט"א and "ך denote 500 of the right and left, respectively. Taking the two halves (ופלגא) to cancel each other out, the two formulas may be combined:

ס"ו ה"ם תצטא"ז ך"ו

These are divine equations. The wise will understand. They capture Arizal's teaching regarding the 13 Yeorin after 500, in שער מאמרי רשב"י, Parshat VaEra. It should be clear that this teaching is based on the above fragment of the Zohar and the understanding that the events of 500 and 60 are the same.

ורזא דא לתתא לאו אנון אלא ט' תקונים
