ודינא יהב לקדישי עליונין

We saw that ז"ך of the left is a time of Chesed. Are the Tikkunim of Gevura not times of Din?

The answer is that the Din associated to the left is the strenghtening of the Tum'ah of the left. The demise of the latter turns the Tikkun of Gevura into Chesed for Yisrael.

Accordingly, we saw that at ז"ך of the left is the beginning of the covert Hanhaga of Atik Yamim. The above, then, explains how the counts of the left and right add up to form the count of Atik Yamim.

Sepher Daniel 7:22 seems to be in agreement:

עד די אתה עתיק יומיא ודינא יהב לקדישי עליונין וזמנא מטה ומלכותא החסנו קדישין

"Until Atik Yamim came, and Din was given to the holy ones of the most High; and the time came, and the holy ones possessed the kingdom."
