שמן זית זך כתית למאור להעלת נר תמיד
that regarding the Mikdash (מאור) progress occurs in two steps, כ"ת י"ת. The first step is at ז"ך of the right, י"ת years after 5366. The second step is at ז"ך of the left, כ"ת years after 5366. The latter step marks the end of Yishmael's compensation for the 88 years of the Crusader kingdom during the years of Yishmael.There is a similar count to the final fall of Edom. The exile count, which reached 499.5 in 5708, will reach ז"ך in 5783, זי"ת years after 5366. Year 5783 is one year after the end of Edom's compensation for the 104 years of the Hashmonean kingdom during the years of Edom. That one additional year is Gog's year.