In the Honor of Yom Yerushalayim

The count of Chesed (or Malchut) reaches 499 in year 5727, the year in which Yerushalayim was reunited. The Zohar Chadash refers to the year 5727. A translation of the relevant section is here. The bold section reads:

"At the time of the End of Days, according to the hour of the day, at the time that the sun shines, from the 6th Day, at the time that is ready according to the count of years, of Yovel and Shmitah together, which is רע"ד (Raa'd, 274 in Gematria) from the 6th Day. At that time a single voice is prepared to awaken at the heights of the upper heavens, a sad and bitter voice, such that hasn't been since the day that the world was created."

The year 5727 is 274 years from the end of the conventional sixth "day", year 6001. The text speaks about Yovel and Shmita being together. This seems impossible, because a Yovel year is always one year after a Shmita year. However, the count of Chesed presents an explanation of the phrase "at the time that is ready according to the count of years, of Yovel and Shmitah together".

The phrase "according to the hour of the day, at the time that the sun shines" refers to the sunrise of the sixth day of history as defined in the previous post, which is the year 5729. The year 5727 is at the very brink of this sunrise. "The time that is ready according to the count of years" refers to the Chesed count reaching 499. After the year 5309, the Chesed count is every 12 and every 19 years. On average, this is close to every seven years. Thus, the years of Chesed are akin to Shmita years, and year 5727 is such a year. Moreover, year 5727 was also a Yovel year. See this post to learn about the Yovel years from the time of Bayit Sheni.

The hint is that the Chesed count to 499 is a long count towards the Yovel year 5727. From this year onwards, Yovel years are included in the Chesed count. The first such year was 5727. Hence, the year 5727 counts 499 of Chesed, but also 500. The next Yovel will be 5776, and after that it will be according to what Sanhedrin will decide. The addition of Yovel years to the count of the right is an instance of the principle B'Ita Achishena - in its time I will hasten it - (Yeshaya 60:22): When Chesed nears the end, when it is 499, I will hasten it to reach 500 in the same year, and I will hasten the count of Chochma, and so hasten the redemption. Yovel counting as Chesed (Tzekek) is the very hidden Sod תו מ''י of Zohar Teruma 140.

Summarizing, the count of Chesed is a sum of three cycles. It started as a 12 year cycle. In the year 5309, the 19-year cycle was added, the years of the latest Pesach. In the year 5727, the Yovel cycle was added.

The count of Chochma is the final leg of the Chesed count. It starts with the double count in 5309, reaches 72 in 5813, and 100 just before the end of the sixth millenium, in 5993 (cf. Zohar VaYera 119). This assumes that Sanhedrin will decide that three Yovel years will be between 5776 and 5993, e.g. years 5851, 5901, 5951. Sanhedrin will surely decide to shift the year of the latest Pesach, and that will affect the years of Chesed in the 19-year cycle. It is in the hands of man.

Until it expired when it reached 500, the count of Chesed was the principal clock of history. Without the inclusion of the Yovel years from year 5727 onwards, 500 would have been reached in year 5729, exactly 1200 years after the 1200 years of Galut had ended. The year 5729 was uniquely the year in which universal aspirations were reached - the year in which man set foot on the Moon, the year of the Woodstock "liberation." Due to its being a Yovel year, 500 was reached in 5727, uniquely the year in which Jewish aspirations were reached - the year of the liberation of the Land of Israel from the sea until the Jordan, the year of the liberation of Yerushalayim. As 5727 became 500 in the count of Chesed, 5729 became 60 in the count of Chochma. At this value, the count of Chochma became the principal clock of history, replacing the expired count of Chesed (cf. Zohar Parshat VaYera 119a, Zohar Parshat Shemot 9,10).

The Zohar in Shemot 10 says that Techiat HaMetim will be after a count of 144 years, 100 plus 40 plus 4. After Chochma reaches 100, a new Hanhaga starts, associated to a different count. After 5993, we count years of Chesed and years of Din, until their sum is 40. Assuming the most likely decisions of Sanhedrin, this will be in year 6125. Four years later is year 6129. Forty hints at the return of the Hanhaga of Atik Yamim. Four hints at the return of the Hanhaga of Yesod Adam Kadmon, under which the laws of Nature are subject to change.

ומקים אמונתו לישני עפר

I have hereby fulfilled my promise to explain my claim about the year 6129. I have restricted myself in the process. To the serious student, the above can be strenghtened. In particular, the preceding can be accommodated with what is written regarding Techiat HaMetim in Midrash Ne'elam Toldot. That is, it can be shown how Techiat HaMetim of the Tsadikim is 210 years before 6129, and 40 "years" after Kibbutz Galuyot, in year חי of the third Yovel period, if the Yovel years will be as assumed above. It can also be shown under which circumstance the time distance between the two instances of Techiat HaMetim is 214 years. This understanding is in fact key to my confidence. Without it, I would not have dared to write the last five posts, but I cannot elaborate.
