The Hanhaga of Da'at and the 1200 Years of Galut

In the previous post, I explained the counts of Malchut and Zeir Anpin, Partzufim of the world of Atzilut. The higher Partzufim of this world, Da'at, Bina, Chochma, and Keter, also have associated counts, bringing the total to six counts (cf. Zohar VaYera 117).

Partzuf Da'at has a hidden nature, and is usually not counted among the Partzufim. Likewise, its count has a hidden nature and the Zohar more or less hides it when mentioning year counts related to the process of redemption. However, in the translation of Zohar numbers to historical years, the count of Da'at is to be inserted.

Insertion of the count of Da'at makes the Galut longer than would seem from the Pshat of the Zohar. In particular, the Zohar mentions in several places that the Galut is 1200 years, 100 years for every tribe, and promises that the redemption will occur a relatively short time after these 1200 years. Obviously, the years of Galut are much more than 1200. The Zohar is not mistaken. It is hiding its secrets. The numbers of the Zohar are closed to who does not know this.

In the system of the Zohar, the 100*12 years of Galut are the first 1200 years of the 1290 "days" mentioned in the book of Daniel, which started when Korban HaTamid ceased to be offered (Husar HaTamid). This refers to the destruction of Bayit Rishon. The Zohar indicates that the Tamid was stopped before the actual Churban in year 3339 of Malchut. The Galut years being 100*12 suggests that the Galut years are synchronized with the 12-year cycle of Malchut. The last year in this cycle before the Churban was year 3329. Counting 1200 years of Galut from there leads to 4529.

Counting Chesed years from 4529 (4529 is "one", 4541 is "two", etc.), 66 is reached in 5309. The Zohar brings the number 66 in several places as the time of great events. Notice that year 5309, is approximately 1200 years after the true dark ages started with the disappearance of Sanhedrin, surely a fulfillment of the prophecy regarding Husar HaTamid (Raya Mehemana Tzav 28b).

The count starting at 4529, after the 1200 years of Galut, is the count of Da'at. It is to be seen as counting towards the completion of Daniel's 1290 "days". Hence, 1266 "days" are reached when the count reaches 66, in year 5309. Staying in sync with the count of Malchut, 1290 "days" are reached in year 5480, the year in which the GR"A was born. Da'at reached 72 in 5347, the year in which Chaim Vital received official recognition in Yerushalayim. The total length of Da'at is 135, reaching until the end of Daniel's 1335 "days", but what will happen at that point, and when it will be, is still beyond our scope.

[many thanks to Gedaliah]
