The Fate of Moshiach ben Yosef

Right after his birth, Moshe Rabbeinu is called "Tov" (Shemot 2:2). This is a reference to Moshiach ben Yosef. Moshe's life is subsequently endangered, when his mother leaves him at the river bank (Shemot 2:3): ותשם בסוף על שפת היאור. I think that this phrase has a double reference to the fate of Moshiach ben Yosef in the end of days.

Firstly, ותש"ם בסוף refers to 746 years into the last, sixth, millenium. This was after the Knesset, with silent consent of almost all sectors of Yisrael, delegitimized Rav Meir Kahane. The process of Geula was endangered, and Kahane was killed a short time after 750 years into the sixth millenium, fulfilling the words of the holy Ramchal in Tikkun 8 of Tikkunim Chadashim:

ומשיח בן יוסף נמי ביומא שתיתאה בתר פלגו דיומא אתחזיאת לה מותא לאתקנא תקונא שלים. ומתמן ולהלאה יתחברון תרין אילנין כחדא למהוי בשלימו חד

And also Moshiach ben Yosef is destined to die on the sixth day after Chatzot HaYom, to achieve a perfect Tikkun. From then on, the two trees (Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David) are combined into one, to be one in wholeness.
If a day is a thousand years, the time until Chatzot HaYom is 750 years.

Secondly, בסוף על שפ"ת היאור refers to the time of the last Yeor, the 13th after a thousand Yeorin, at the bank between 506.5 of the right and 506.5 of the left, 780 years into the sixth millenium. Like Moshe, Yisrael will enter danger and survive it by miracle.

(Thanks to Gedaliah)
