The Tropper scandal shows us unambiguously that in our time the "Gedolim" do not merit Siatta DiShamaya, heavenly assistance. This was long clear to the diligent observer, but now all seekers of truth must acknowledge. Many fear the break-down of what they call "Emunat Chachamim." I hope for the same, and trust that the break-down process is well on its way. Siatta DiShamaya is the basis for Emunat Chachamim. Without the former, the latter rightly falls. I fervently hope for the imminent demise of the current system, because it has become a parody of the system that must be.
Siatta DiShamaya must be earned. Only if we follow Torah as good as we can, heavenly assistance will be ours. At present, we do not follow Torah as good as we can. Torah is to be carried by sixty myriads of independent truthful thinkers, who humbly submit to a Sanhedrin that strives for Truth, has open discussions, gives Din v'Cheshbon, and decides by majority.