learned regarding the Tikkun of ו, that the end of the calendar of the Galut, and the rise of the calendar of the Geula, is due in the period 5774-5776. The Zohar cites the Torah accordingly:
תא חזי אמר רבי אלעזר ואת האלף ושבע המאות וחמשה ושבעים עשה ווים לעמודים
(זוהר פרשת פקודי דף רכז)
Come and see, said Rabbi Elazar, with the thousand and seven hundred and seventy five he made the Vav's for the pillars.
The Sod of the Pasuk, revealed by the subsequent discussion in the Zohar, is a reference to a period of time.
learned also that from the first to the second Temple were 1600 years, 10/3 times 480. Within this era, the Babylonian exile did not take seventy years, but 10/3 times seventy years, and the united kingdom of Shlomo lasted 1000 years (שנים). This is why Scripture says that Shlomo had 1000 wives (נשים) and this is why it says האלף לך שלמה, the thousand is for you, Shlomo (Shir HaShirim 8:12).
The continuation of the above Zohar reveals that the
thousand years of Galut are connected to the thousand hidden years of Shlomo, as well as to the "thousand" years of Moshiach:
ועל דא אית אלף ואית אלף ואינון אלף שנין דגלותא אף על גב דישראל יהון בגלותא ויתמשכון יתיר בהני אלף שנין יתמשכון דאינון אלף יומין דקאמרן, ובגין דא אוקמוה כל שלמה דאית בשיר השירים קדש בר מהאי דאיהו חול, האלף דהכא קדש איהו וכל עובדוי קדש, ועל דא עשה ווים לעמודים
Accordingly, there are a thousand and there are a thousand. These are the thousand years of Galut. As Israel is living in the Galut, it will be stretched more, with these thousand years it will be stretched, the thousand days as we said. That is why was established that every Shlomo in Shir HaShirim is holy except for one (האלף לך שלמה) that is profane. But the thousand that we speak about now is holy and all of its works are holy. Hence, "made the Vav's for the pillars."
Three periods are interweaved in this dicussion: The thousand years of Shlomo, the thousand years of Galut Edom, and 1775 years of (the 2,000 years of) Moshiach. The first was profane, a period during which Israel lived without Torah. The second is profane also, started in 3409 and is being stretched until 5783/5786,
as explained. Though profane, the Galut has a holy side. Embedded within it is the third period, from 4001 to 5776, which is purely holy. It represents the work and suffering of the holy ones of Israel.
(Thanks to Yaakov)