Regarding 5769

We are approaching the year 5769. I promised earlier to elaborate on its significance. In the light of preceding posts the following two statements seem in place.

1. Parallel to the count of Chochma, the count of Bina is the final leg of the Din count. Bina starts in 5310, one year after the start of Chochma. The count of Bina reaches 60 in 5723, 66 in 5765, and 72 in 5807. In 5769 it will reach 66.5. The Zohar VaYera 119a promises great things in the year 66 and a half. Though Bina is not the main clock of history, and this Zohar does not directly refer to it, a relationship does exist. May we see the beginning of good things.

2. The year 5769 is 40 years after the auspicious year 5729. In line with what I explained before, tbis is 40 years into the second half of the sixth day of history. If the 800 years of this day are divided into 24 hours of 60 minutes, 40 years is 72 minutes. Both 40 and 72 are numbers that indicate completion.

There are two methods to define the Halachic day and divide it into hours. In the first method, the day is divided into 12 hours of 60 minutes from sunrise to sunset. The second method takes the first method to define minutes rather than hours, and defines an hour as 72 of these minutes. The Halachic day, then, is defined to last 12 hours of 72 minutes, starting one hour of 72 minutes before sunrise, with the appearance of the earliest daylight, and ending one hour of 72 minues after sunset, with the appearance of the first stars.

The second definition of the Halachic day is most commonly used to determine until when we can recite Sh'ma Yisrael in the morning. We can fulfill this Mitzva until two hours of 72 minutes after sunrise. If we apply this to the sixth day of history, year 5769 is 400 years before the stars come out. At one hour after sunrise in 5729, the appointed time for accepting the Yoke of Heaven - Sh'ma Yisrael - is forty more years.
