ובלב כל חכם לב נתתי חכמהI have given wisdom to every wise-hearted person
This appears in the context of the wisdom needed for building the Mishkan. However, the Ramchal (Tikkun 18) comments that this refers to the oral Torah:What is really to be revealed, is the Truth. The Torah was placed before Bnei Yisrael, and thus before the whole world, to corroborate the words of the wise-hearted and to falsify the words of who falsely claim wisdom, and thereby to establish the Truth on Earth. Be prepared for the surprise.דמאן דשכינתא שריא בלבה אוריתא אתגליאת לה. בגין כך תורה שבכתב אתיהיבת למכתב. אבל תורב שבעל פה בלבא אתמסרת ואתגלאה על ידה תורה שבכתב
Who [merits that] the Shechina dwells in his heart, the Torah is revealed to him. Because of this, the written Torah had to be written, but the oral Torah is transmitted in the heart, and through it the written Torah is revealed.