The 200 of Chesed that preceded Chochma start in year 2909, a year of Din as well as a year of Chesed. As suggested here, this could be the year of the plague that occurred after David HaMelech had held a census. To avert the plague's entry into Yerushalayim, David bought Aravna's Goren that was to become Makom HaMikdash, built a Mizbeach, and brought a Korban (see the end of Samuel II). Seventy thousand people had died during the plague, ostensibly because they opposed building Beit Elokim in Yerushalayim.
It is clear from the account of these events that the plague threatened the life of David himself. Year of Malchut 2909 corresponds to physical year 1789. Hence, 4000 years before the year 5789, David almost died.
Divrei HaYamim I 22:5 calls Shlomo a Na'ar V'Rach at the time of these events, whereas Melachim I 3:7 calls Shlomo a Na'ar Katon when he became king. If one takes Rach as referring to age 3, and Katon to age 19, the above chronology is accommodated.
Summarizing, counting from year 2909, Chesed reaches 300. After two thirds was the Arizal. At two thirds of the remaining 100, called Yesod, starts Ateret HaYesod. At this time, at count 66 and a little, Moshiach ben Yosef will arise.
The 200 of Chesed from year 2909 until Yesod are divided into 35 spanning 420 years of Malchut until the Galut, and 165 spanning 1980 years of Malchut until Yesod. These 1980 years are the 1200 years of Galut plus the 780 years of Da'at.
Hence, we see that from David's Korban until the ceasing of the Tamid were 420 years of Malchut. The parallel must be true: Bayit Sheni stood 420 years, until 3829. Until the end of the coming of Moshiach are 1980 years, i.e, until the end of "day" 70, the last opportunity for reciting Sh'ma Yisrael.