A Verse Per Year

The Torah's verses seem to be aligned with the years of history. In addition to the years mentioned here, I suggest the significance of the following verses.

Verse 5751: For I know that after my death you will surely act corruptly and you will stray from the path that I have commanded you, and evil will befall you at the end of days, if you do what is evil in the eyes of HaShem, to anger Him through your handiwork. (Devarim 31:29)

Firstly, this resonates with the death of rabbi Meir Kahane in 5751. Secondly, the mention of the end of days strenghens the view that 5751 is the start of the last generation, as well as the relevance of chapter 32 to our times. See here for an extremely serious aspect of this.

Verse 5786: Is it not revealed with Me, sealed in My treasuries? (Devarim 32:34)

This confirms the pivotal nature of year 5786. See here, here, here, and here. It is also 420 years after 5366, which was 22*10 years of Din after 3826.

Verse 5791: See, now, that I, I am He - and no god is with Me. I put to death and I bring life, I struck down and I will heal, and there is no rescuer from My hand. (Devarim 32:39)

This confirms what I wrote regarding the year 5791. Our sages (Sanhedrin 91) explain that this verse is the Torah's clearest reference to Techiat HaMetim. HaShem can revive those who died, just like He can heal who was struck down.


Higgs and the Big Bang

Today was the first time that the ATLAS device was operated at CERN. After having seen a lot of misinformaton about this event, I feel enticed to join the chorus of commenters.

1. The Big Bang is not being reproduced at CERN. The Big Bang was first and foremost the creation of space and time. It cannot be reproduced within space and time. Even so, in a very indirect way, the ATLAS experiments may teach us something about the Big Bang. See below.

2. The experiments at CERN will create conditions under which the so-called Standard Model, the theory which describes Electro-Magnetism and the force called "Weak Interaction", should cease to be valid. The Standard Model has a built-in validity limit. At energies above the so-called Higgs mass there is not much reason to believe the theory can hold. In the propaganda, it is said that physicists want to show that the Higgs boson exists. I cannot understand how someone who understands the Standard Model can honestly expect the Higgs boson to exist. A few months from now the headlines will say that the search for the Higgs boson has brought surprises.

3. I have seen hugely distorted claims about "Higgs". It is claimed that the Higgs boson explains how elementary particles get mass, or even how anything gets mass. In reality, the Higgs boson explored by ATLAS has nothing to do with the masses of protons and neutrons. A macroscopic body derives almost all of its mass from its constituent protons and neutrons. The massiveness of protons and neutrons is not coming from the Higgs mechanism. They are composite particles, and their mass equals their energy content, which is predominantly due to the Strong Interaction.

4. The Higgs mechanism in the Standard Model is a sophisticated but artificial mathematical device, used to "give mass" to the W and Z bosons, the particles that intermediate the Weak Interaction like the photon intermediates Electro-Magnetism, and to elementary fermions that carry both electric and weak charge - electrons and quarks. The massiveness of the W and Z bosons and the short-range nature of the Weak Interaction are almost synonymous notions. One could more modestly say that the Higgs boson was introduced to explain why the Weak Interaction works only at very short distances despite its kinship to the Electro-Magnetic force, which works over long distances.

5. The last statement illustrates the nature of the Higgs mechanism. It is an attempt to describe what is called symmetry breaking. Though symmetry breaking is a fact of Nature, and thus must be an essential ingredient of the theory, its expression in terms of the Standard Model's Higgs boson is not.

6. Despite the artificial nature of the Higgs sector of the Standard Model, theorists have used it to audaciously explore aspects of symmetry breaking in the very early Universe, its so-called inflationary phase, and to explain how a once very uniform Universe could have generated its current level of inhomogeneity. It is because of this that the upcoming experiments will have impact on our understanding of the Big Bang. I estimate that a lot of the Higgs-based stuff will turn out to be wrong.

7. The realistic expectation is that the experiments will reveal new physics - aspects of reality that are really different from what we know and that we have not been able to guess. I estimate that the new physics will spur great progress towards understanding all forces of Nature in a unified way - a sine qua non for understanding the primordial evolution of the Universe, and key to understanding how everything came from One.



The counts of Keter Yosef (Keter Yesod) and Keter Yehuda (Keter Malchut) each have a parallel. As mentioned in the previous post, the parallel of Keter Yosef counts "days" of 64 years since Yetziat Mitzrayim in the year 1329. The following is a summary of these days:

Day 41 (3889-3953) brought the rebellion of Bar Kochba and the teachings of rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. Day 59 (5041-5105) brought the appearance of the Zohar. Day 63 (5297-5361) brought the work and teachings of the Arizal. Day 66 (5489-5553) brought the work and teachings of Ramchal and the Vilna Gaon. The land of Israel came into Jewish control in day 69 (5681-5745). We live in day 70 (5745-5809), the generation of Moshiach's coming. Day 72 (5873-5937) will see Techiat HaMetim of the Tzadikim.

Keter Yosef has parallel climaxes at 41, 59, 66, 69, 70, and 72.

The parallel of Keter Yehuda is the count of Chochma. When Chochma reached 56, the state of Israel arose. When Chochma reached 59, Yerushalayim was liberated. Chochma will have further climaxes at counts 66 and 66.5 (the definition of a half was given here in the context of the count of Chesed). Keter Yehuda has parallel climaxes at 56, 59, 66, and 66.5.

Keter Yosef will reach 66 in year 5782, when the count of Chochma will reach 66.5. This confluence is highly significant in view this quote of Zohar VaYera 119a:

Rebbi Shimon opened up and said: "And I will remember My covenant with Yaakov" (Vayikra 26:42) . (Yaakov is written) full with a Vav, why? But in 2 sides is the secret of Chochmah, one which is a secret on the level of Chochmah, the place where Yaakov dwells, but this verse is said about the Galut of Israel, for when they are in Galus, the time that they are remembered (the House of Yaakov), they are remembered via the secret of Vav. And that is that in the 6th millenium, and the Rememberance (Pekidah) is in the secret of Vav, 6 moments and a half time and in the time of the 60th year to the bar on the door in the 6th millenium, the G-d of Heaven will raise a rememberance for the Daughter of Yaakov, and from that time until the Full Rememberance (Zechirah) will be 6 years and a half, and from that time another 6 years, and these are 72 and a half. In 66, the King Moshiach will be revealed in the Land of Galilee.

In 5783, Keter Yehuda will reach 56, a new Yom HaAtzma'ut. A short time after the appearance of Moshiach ben Yosef, Israel will have emerged victorious. As Israel rises, Edom falls.

In 5786, Keter Yehuda reaches 59, a new Yom Yerushalayim. This same year, I suggested, has the third Pekida. It is 1335 years after the construction of the Dome of the Rock. Moreover, Keter Yosef reaches 70 in 5786.

At the downside, as mentioned in the previous post, Moshiach ben Yosef may die at 73 of Keter Yosef. This is at 62 of Keter Yehuda, and in the parallel, rabbi Meir Kahane was killed in a year of Din when Chochma stood at 62. We read: "And after 62 weeks a Moshiach will be cut off (Daniel 9:26)." May we merit that Moshiach ben Yosef will not die.
