The counts of Keter Yosef (Keter Yesod) and Keter Yehuda (Keter Malchut) each have a parallel. As mentioned in the previous post, the parallel of Keter Yosef counts "days" of 64 years since Yetziat Mitzrayim in the year 1329. The following is a summary of these days:
Day 41 (3889-3953) brought the rebellion of Bar Kochba and the teachings of rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. Day 59 (5041-5105) brought the appearance of the Zohar. Day 63 (5297-5361) brought the work and teachings of the Arizal. Day 66 (5489-5553) brought the work and teachings of Ramchal and the Vilna Gaon. The land of Israel came into Jewish control in day 69 (5681-5745). We live in day 70 (5745-5809), the generation of Moshiach's coming. Day 72 (5873-5937) will see
Techiat HaMetim of the Tzadikim.
Keter Yosef has parallel climaxes at 41, 59, 66, 69, 70, and 72.
The parallel of Keter Yehuda is the count of
Chochma. When Chochma reached 56, the state of Israel arose. When Chochma reached 59, Yerushalayim was liberated. Chochma will have further climaxes at counts 66 and 66.5 (the definition of a half was given
here in the context of the count of Chesed). Keter Yehuda has parallel climaxes at 56, 59, 66, and 66.5.
Keter Yosef will reach 66 in year 5782, when the count of Chochma will reach 66.5. This confluence is highly significant in view this quote of Zohar
VaYera 119a:
Rebbi Shimon opened up and said: "And I will remember My covenant with Yaakov" (Vayikra 26:42) . (Yaakov is written) full with a Vav, why? But in 2 sides is the secret of Chochmah, one which is a secret on the level of Chochmah, the place where Yaakov dwells, but this verse is said about the Galut of Israel, for when they are in Galus, the time that they are remembered (the House of Yaakov), they are remembered via the secret of Vav. And that is that in the 6th millenium, and the Rememberance (Pekidah) is in the secret of Vav, 6 moments and a half time and in the time of the 60th year to the bar on the door in the 6th millenium, the G-d of Heaven will raise a rememberance for the Daughter of Yaakov, and from that time until the Full Rememberance (Zechirah) will be 6 years and a half, and from that time another 6 years, and these are 72 and a half. In 66, the King Moshiach will be revealed in the Land of Galilee.
In 5783, Keter Yehuda will reach 56, a new Yom HaAtzma'ut. A short time after the appearance of Moshiach ben Yosef, Israel will have emerged victorious. As Israel rises, Edom falls.
In 5786, Keter Yehuda reaches 59, a new Yom Yerushalayim. This same year, I suggested, has the
third Pekida. It is 1335 years after the construction of the Dome of the Rock. Moreover, Keter Yosef reaches 70 in 5786.
At the downside, as mentioned in the previous post, Moshiach ben Yosef may die at 73 of Keter Yosef. This is at 62 of Keter Yehuda, and in the parallel, rabbi Meir Kahane was killed in a year of Din when Chochma stood at 62. We read: "And after 62 weeks a Moshiach will be cut off (Daniel 9:26)." May we merit that Moshiach ben Yosef will not die.