A Thought for Sukkot

If Am Yisrael would do Teshuva, the redemption would come swiftly. This statement expresses "common knowledge," yet begs a question that lacks an obvious answer. What is the nature of the Teshuva that HaShem requires from us? Most will tend to answer the question in terms of performance of Mitzvot. Such answers are not wrong, but neither are they sharply correct.

A great lesson can be learned from the calendar of the month of Tishrei. After Yom Kippur, the climax of the days of Teshuva, comes Sukkot. Life after Teshuva starts with a display of faith in HaShem. We move from our safe houses to live in a temporary residence, under the sky, subject to the forces of Nature. We may indeed conceive of life after Teshuva as a life of exemplary performance of Mitzvot. However, there is a caveat. Our sages teach (Makkot 24a) in the name of Chavakuk (2:4) that in the final analysis all Mitzvot stand on one pillar - faith: "The righteous shall live by his faith."

Here is the message of Sukkot. We are destined to be a Nation dwelling alone, under the Heavens. We are destined to be a nation that trusts in HaShem rather than in money or gold. We are destined to be a nation that fearlessly follows HaShem in all the Mitzvot, no matter what the gentiles will say. This is the Teshuva that HaShem is waiting for.
