Hadar and Mehetabel

The eigth king of Edom is Hadar (Bereshit 36:39). The Torah introduces also his wife, Mehetabel. The Pasuk hints at an essential change of reality, akin to a phase transition in physics. With the death of the seventh king, the power of Edom breaks down. Correspondingly, the Sitra Achra can no longer intervene between HaShem and Israel. Hadar and Mehetabel refer to the unison of HaShem and Israel. But Hadar also refers to Hadrian. The secret is that in view of the loss of power over Israel, and over the Land of Israel, the eigth king of Edom will entice and tease Israel as Hadrian did, with trickery.

זמין קודשא בריך הוא לאחייא לכל אינון מלכין דעקו לישראל ולירושלם, לאנדריאנוס ללופינוס ונבוכדנצר ולסנחריב

In the future, HaKadosh Baruch Hu will resurrect all those kings who afflicted Israel and Jerusalem, Andrianus (Hadrian), Lupinus, Nevuchadnezar, and Sancheriv (Zohar, Beshalach, 58b).


Hadrian's Trick

Here is some food for thought during the nine days towards Tish'a B'Av. The dominion of Edom over Israel was finalized by the Roman emperor Hadrian. It seems to me that Hadrian tricked the Jews into the rebellion that he suppressed with such lasting results. At first, Hadrian created great illusions among the Jews by proposing to them to rebuild Yerushalayim and the Temple. But then, in the days of rabbi Yehoshua, he insisted that the Temple be built at a different location. The Jews refused (Bereshit Rabba 64:10) to accept a Temple under the conditions stipulated by Hadrian. It seems that Hadrian proceeded anyway, and built a temple complex on the top of Har Moriah - which is not Makom HaMikdash. When the Jews indeed did not accept his temple, Hadrian used their refusal as an excuse for provoking them openly, by forbidding circumcision, and by transforming his temple into a temple for Jupiter. Bar Kochba revolted, and Hadrian won.


The Final Eight Kings of Edom

The Sages teach that the purpose of the long Exile is to collect holy sparks from among the nations. The strength of the forces of evil lies in their connection with holiness. When all holy sparks are collected, the redemption will come.

This is why it says in Bereshit 36:31-39 that eight kings of Edom rule before the rulership of a king, Moshiach, over Israel. The Arizal explains that the first seven kings represent the Klipot that must be clarified. That is, the Kedusha in them must be removed from the Tum'a in them, to render them powerless.

It seems to me that the 64 years from 5708 to 5772 represent the final eight kings of Edom in the dimension of time. Each Edomite king rules for eight years. After seven kings, in 5764, Edom used his last power within Israel to launch the "disengagement." He remains exposed, without merit, with no more power over the Land of Israel.

After the eight kings, the Torah mentions eleven Edomite chiefs. I think this means that the fall of Edom takes time, 11 years, eleven being the difference between the regular lunar year and the solar year. This may shed light on what I wrote earlier about the years 5772, 5775, and 5783.



It seems to me that the Chasadim and Dinim in the system of Kabbala are reflected in particle physics as bosons and fermions. Fermions are particles of the left, and bosons are particles of the right. In this light, I expect the following.

The Atlas experiment at CERN will produce strange results that will show the need for a very serious revision of the electro-weak theory. It will soon be understood that the fix is provided by a form of super-symmetry, a symmetry between bosons and fermions.

The newly understood super-symmetry will be the key to the unification of the electro-weak, the strong, and the gravitational forces, and to an awesome new understanding of the early Universe, beyond time and space.
